Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Back to Running

I was becoming a faithful runner for awhile and then sickness invaded my family and Tony took several out-of-town work trips which made it harder for me to go at night with friends. I kind of fell off the bandwagon so to speak. I have a walking/running buddy now and we're going to do the couch-5K running program. I am committing myself to do the Sound to Narrows and the Pacifc Crest Half-Marathon. I won't be running the whole time but I will be doing my best. So if anyone wants to join me and/or offer tips on running/walking that kept them motivated through it all, let me know! :)


  1. Running buddies make all the difference. When Tricia and I did our Marathon we just decided right at the beginning our goal and had to do it. We were not allowed to quit. That was not an option. Never give up just try your hardest and you can do anything! I want to run with you. When are you races??

  2. Beth, I'm just starting out, but it would be fun to run with you! The Sound to Narrows is June 12th here in Tacoma and the Pacific Crest is June 26th in Sun River, OR.

  3. I think I could do the S-T-N on June 12. The half-marathon may be a little beyond my abilities...

  4. What is the couch - 5K running program?

  5. Sarah, you can google it and there are different versions (that train by time vs. distance, etc.). It's just a beginning running program where you walk the greater percentage of the time and then build up to running the whole 5K.

  6. I'm excited...we will have to do daily walk/runs when you come.
