Thursday, December 31, 2020

Musings on Gratitude and Perspective

These were some late night musings on 12/29.

From very late on 12/29.  I wrote down these thoughts.  

This morning I woke up to a frozen lake and the kids happily breaking ice and watching the pieces skate across the surface.  I finished a book that I was recommended for the kids but they never got into.  I think it will be a better fit for Evelyn when she's older.  It's called, "Ways to Make Sunshine" about a little girl that lives in Portland.  It was a cute book and she discovered ways to make touch situations better.  In her young age, she was learning about changing her perspective.   I really had that hygge feeling where I just wanted to curl up and read for hours.  I also, pulled the mom card though and cleaned the pantry and my room.  There's that internal messaging that wants to relax all day and yet also take advantage of the time to get projects done.  Also, I love Christmas and the lights and the nativities but after Christmas there just seems to be stuff left around and little by little, I want to simplify again. 

After finishing that, I started reading a book called, "A Boy Called Christmas."  I really liked it so I looked up books by the author and started listening to another of his books titled, "Reasons to Live".  It was quite a difference from the light hearted fantasy world of Christmas.  Depression can affect us.  Thoughts affect our mood.  I am so sleepy but my mind is awake.  Outside our window I can see the night sky over the lake.  It's beautiful.  I love this home so much and yet sometimes I vacillate between contentment because I love it (the ducks, geese, blue herons, the occasional eagle), embarrassment about our good fortune because I wish everyone could have this beautiful view in their backyard and then comparison thoughts because we live on this little lake but so many people have bigger houses on the huge, blue Lake Tapps.  My mind!  

Added note while I'm typing this up on 12/31.  Mindfulness is so essential.  Seeking peace in Christ is so essential.  Recognizing the gifts that come with my overthinking mind and knowing that it's human to have thoughts like this is essential.  

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Snow Day

 We headed to the snow with the Hanes, Bills and Johnsons.  We had so much fun sledding, drinking hot chocolate and making little snow people.

Our Frozen Lake


It was so fun to wake up to a frozen lake and see geese waddling around on it.  The kids loved throwing pieces of ice.  It isn't this frozen anymore, but we've heard that it has frozen enough for people to play on it.  Who knows?  Maybe that will happen this year.

Hygge Time


Something appreciated about Danish culture is the focus on Hygge (coziness and contentment).  Normally, we like to be adventuring, but sometimes it's good to just be cozy.  Ev loved the fact that Tiger Lily was so comfy cozy with her.  The kids loved enjoying their new presents.  They also read, played games and I went on a girl's afternoon shopping trip, but the camera captured just the Hygge moments of the days after Christmas.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Merry Christmas from the Eppersons--2020



2020 has been quite the year!  We went from thinking the kids' school would be closed for 3 weeks in March--to it being closed for 6 weeks and then closed for the rest of the school year.  Fast forward to now when we live in a different area, new schools and still distance learning from home.  

We've seen lots of changes but we have had steady employment and we are grateful for that during times that are so uncertain.  Tony is still a Tooling Design Engineer at Boeing.  He has been able to work from home during the pandemic. Deb has wanted to work for the school district so she left her job as a part-time (at home) appointment secretary and started working in a special needs preschool classroom.  This job is at the school with a morning and afternoon class.  We are all looking forward to the kids being in school as well.  They have adjusted pretty well to Deb being gone for work  and have a pretty good routine down but, Ryan had to adjust to online learning and middle school at the same time and that has been the roughest transition.  

Max really misses friends but has been a great helper at home.  It's great having a 13 year old.  Free baby-sitting!  We found a piano teacher in the area and he has complained about having to take lessons again, but...just recently he told us he likes piano again!

Ryan is learning to play the trumpet virtually.  His cool teacher did a socially distanced visit after Thanksgiving to help.  He is also taking piano and building worlds in Minecraft.

Jase was baptized in August and he has started piano lessons.  He's really excited to practice which is nice.  He and Evelyn are always playing together.  

Evelyn loves first grade and is always writing and illustrating stories.  She loves unicorns and wished for a real one for Christmas.  She didn't seem disappointed when there wasn't one under the tree though, phew!

As hard as it is to lose the constant social connection because of distancing, I'm glad the kids have been able to play together.  There have been moments where the constant "togetherness" has been too much and other times it has created a greater bond between the four of them.

We are forever grateful for the love and example of our Savior Jesus Christ.  He showed us how to love and serve everyone.  

We are also grateful for first responders who have worked tirelessly through this pandemic.  We have a special place in our hearts for firefighters who worked hard to contain fires that threatened our area in September.  

We love our family and friends and we are grateful for you and your love!

Merci beaucoup, Debbie, Tony, Max, Ryan, Jase and Evelyn  

Christmas 2020


Love these smiles!