Thursday, May 26, 2011

Good News!!!

Tony has been approved to return to work!!!! He will start back next Tuesday. We are so happy. He still needs to go to physical therapy twice a week but he has a great boss who has been so patient and accomodating. I am breathing a HUGE sigh of relief. We had some reimbursement checks just come in (like after insurance ended up paying more for his teeth implants, etc.) so we have squeaked by but just barely. It's a huge blessing that we've been able to make it through this period of little income and a blessing that he is finally able to return. Of course we will be sad to not see so much of him but this is the sacrifice we signed up for when he decided to do the airplane mechanic program. The boys get soooo excited when he comes home from school. I guess we can just say we're lucky to have had this extra time with him while he's been recovering from his surgery. He only has about one more year of school. We've already made it this far!


  1. Looks like it is time for me to get another job. Thank you Tony...;-)

  2. Such awesome news!

    PS: the kids LOVED your "adventure" on Sunday. They are still talking about it. You are "the Mom with the yellow hair", by the way ;)
