Monday, May 9, 2011

Confessions of a Birthday Diva

I've heard people say that sometimes people only put out the "good" in their blogs and don't create a realistic picture of their life. I think the fact that it's on the internet for anyone to happen upon makes it hard for a "real" picture to come out. There is something that I'm learning, that I want my children to learn someday too. Their mother is a closet birthday diva. I love birthdays and I love celebrating people's birthdays. I also have high expectations, unrealistic high expectations and it's kind of ridiculous. I read this quote and I thought it was great, "Perhaps the only expectations we should cling to are those having to do with our own moral and benevolent behavior. It is unlikely that we will ever get more out of a relationship than we are willing to invest to realize our expectations". Patricia Russell

So I was kind of down this birthday because some people didn't mark my birthday in red on their calender and remember (not literally, but you know what I mean). To me, it meant that I wasn't important to them instead of maybe they're busy, maybe birthdays aren't that big of a deal to them, they didn't know, etc., etc. So, even though I had a wonderful birthday, I still had this little rain cloud over my head that was thinking about the people who didn't remember my birthday. So, I decided that I would stop being self-centered and be grateful to all the wonderful people who did remember. I don't imagine that in the same situation, Jesus Christ would have felt the way I did or sorrowed like I did. I want to follow his example of love and charity and selflessness. I want to always be grateful for my blessings and not have a pity party in my head. I was blessed to have love shown to me by family and friends and I want to share that love.

1 comment:

  1. Does it count that I thought about you on your birthday? And that I thought about you actually the day before, too..."Tomorrow is Deb's birthday...I need to be sure and shoot her a note." But I have been more than a little brain-dead for the last month, so I didn't send you that note like I'd planned. *Sigh* But you know I love you, right?! I am just now catching up on life outside of my own little circle, which means I'm back-reading your blog. Yay for all of Tony's progress! Woo hoo!!!!
