Thursday, October 17, 2013

Starting a Daybook

A lot of thoughts trickle through this brain of mine.  Some I will always keep private, but some, I would love my children to see someday.  Since this blog is a family history of sorts, I would like to capture some of the day to day moments.  I was wondering how to do this when I remembered my darling friend Sarah's blog.  She does daybook entries, just short snippets into what she's thinking now.  I'm going to take some of her ideas, thank you Sarah, but my daybook will probably evolve. 

Outside My Window...
Right now it is dark outside.  Night time seems to be the only time if there is any time, I have to sit down at the computer.  Thumb typing on my phone is not so fun.  I just stepped outside to breathe in the cool Autumn air. 

I am Thankful...
For my quiet, safe neighborhood. 

I am Thinking About...
How to be a better parent to Ryan.  He got sent to bed early again tonight.  It seems like he still needs a nap to get him through a long day.  I've got to help him get the rest he needs and be patient when he does not get it.

Notes About School...
I'm proud of my boys.  Max reads above grade level.  Ryan is becoming quite the alphabet writer.

From the Kitchen...
Freezer meals are my best friend these days.  My mother-in-law gave me this recipe:
Honey Glazed Chicken

(really easy to do freezer meal)
16 pieces of chicken thighs
1 1/2 cup honey
3/4 cup butter
1/2 cup mustard
1 TBSP curry powder
2 tsp salt

In med sauce pan, mix everything except chicken & cook until dissolved. Stick as many pieces of chicken as you want for a meal and part of the sauce into Ziploc freezer bags. Or put into a casserole dish & bake 350 for 40 minutes.


I am Creating...
Our family's budget system.  Ours has been good but I've tweaked it and the way it's recorded.  I'm actually quite proud of it.  I love being careful with money because I think that's going to benefit my children.  My parents were great examples of living within their means even though they had the means to be careless if they had chosen.

I am Working On...
House hunting.  It's quite the process.

I am Reading...
House Hunting for Dummies (really) and Heaven is Here by Stephanie Nielson.  She was in a plane crash that burned her to the point of being unrecognizable.  I CANNOT imagine the pain of having a child not want to look at you.  I appreciate her strength and also her honesty about the difficult times.

I am Praying...
For the primary children that I help teach.

I am Struggling...
With getting everything done.  The end of the week always gives me a huge breath of relief.

I am Hearing...
"What Does the Fox Say?"  I avoided it until now but Tony discovered it on Youtube and now it's stuck in my head.  Thank you, Tony.

Around the House...
The kids are sleeping peacefully, the dishwasher is running, everything is picked up--just how I like to end my day.

One of my Favorite Things...
Evelyn's smile, okay, I can't pick just one.  I also am in love with how Jason's giggles and signs for "more" tickles.

A Few Plans for the Next Week...
I want to find a teacher appreciation gift for the primary teachers at church, and finalize Halloween costumes for the kids, amongst other things.

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