Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Funny Photo and Some Ramblings

From April 2012

Here's He-Man doing his homework. I guess we will have to come up with a real sword because so far it's only been a bristle block sword or this plunger for the VitaMix. Max who normally never wants to take his shirt off, unless he's swimming, go figure, now wants to run around with no shirt. He even asked if he could take his pants off. No Max, you don't need to look that much like He-Man.

In random news, the word of the week is tired. Tony's so tired because he's been working so much: Day and night and weekends. We appreciate him and miss him. I'm so tired because I'm growing this baby. The kids, well, they're never tired and that's why I'm tired! :)

Ryan's doing well in swimming lessons. He's still warming up to it though. He doesn't just enjoy being in the water like the rest of us do. Going underwater is slightly traumatic but he does have fun. There's this little floating fish toy that he loves that we named, "Bloop Bloop". We throw the fish and he swims to it. That's when he has the most fun.

This week was "W" week at Max's preschool and we took snack today. We did gummy worms in dirt (pudding and smashed chocolate cookies) and Washington apples.

And...the countdown has begun. 7ish more weeks until baby's here. 7 more weeks until Tony's school break. 15ish weeks until Tony's school program is complete!

1 comment:

  1. Can I just say that seeing all the outings and activities you are posting about makes ME tired :D Don't know how you do it ... :-)
