Thursday, June 15, 2017

Jamaica Part 1

Tony and I flew to Jamaica for my birthday present.  We wanted to go to the Caribbean and we had a hard time deciding between a cruise or a resort.  We ended up choosing an all-inclusive resort in Jamaica and it was perfect.  Grandma Kate came to watch the kids and Nathan Bills took us to the airport. 

Here we are all ready!

Our flight there was a red eye.  Tony got us first class tickets.  We enjoyed the perks of the space on the way there for sleeping and all of the perks on the way back.

It was a huge deal to leave for 8 days.  We have four kids in 2 different schools, baseball, piano and church.  Grandma Kate was awesome and sent us pictures.  I copied Jennica and wrapped presents for the kids to unwrap at random times each day.  Here they are unwrapping present number one.

This was the view flying into Jamaica.

The kids exploring at Tiffany Park.

It was gorgeous, heavenly, peaceful and wonderful.  Tony and I haven't been away together, just the two of us for a very long time, pre-kids.  It was amazing.

There were 7 restaurants to choose from, daytime activities and nighttime entertainment.

Fruity drinks

Grape Juice delivered

The timing of the trip was such that we missed Max's recital and Mother's Day.  I sure was proud of my kiddos though.  Max did an awesome job at his recital.

My awesome kids made grandma breakfast in bed for Mother's Day!

We loved going to church in Jamaica.  The primary kids recited some poems to the mothers and passed out sweeties.  I hung out with the primary kids and was snuggled on both sides.  The whole primary fit in one classroom but hearing their faithful responses to questions and hearing their sweet voices sing was pure joy!  They even gave us mangoes. 

Our view and the Mother's Day Gift

Snapper and pumpkin rice.  There was the yummiest, freshest pineapple.

The activity board

The kids opening their present on Mother's Day (s'more making supplies)

Someone had taken seaweed and made this Mother's Day message

I didn't love being away from my kids on Mother's Day but I loved being in Jamaica with Tony on Mother's Day.  It was magical.

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