Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Sunday of Traumatic Experiences

Sunday was full of bumps and bruises and stories that were funny after the fact. 

During Sacrament meeting Evelyn crawled under the pew in front of us and then realized she wasn't with us and started crying.  Then I bumped Jase while getting Evelyn up and he started crying.  We tried to get out of there as fast as we could.  I took them to the pirmary room after they calmed down because I can still hear the service through the speaker system.  There were a few small tables in the back of the primary room so I moved one over to the side to get it out of the way.  Then I heard screaming.  Jase and Evelyn were laying on the ground with a table on top of them.  Luckily it was just one of the small tables and is sort of light which is probably why it fell on them.  I think maybe they were trying to help me?  Jase got a good bump on his forehead and Evelyn cut her lip and it was swollen and bloody.  After I got them calmed down and cleaned up, it was time for nursery.

After I picked them up from nursery, Sister Watson told me that Evelyn had put on the Mr. Potato Head glasses and wasn't interested in giving them back, haha.  I was able to help her return them.  I only wish I had taken a picture of my silly little girl and the teeny tiny plastic glasses.

This is Evelyn after church.  She didn't complain after the initial incident, but I called her "Little Miss Botox" for awhile.

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