Monday, June 25, 2012

Keeping it Real

This weekend, I started "real life". My parents left Friday morning and Tony had to work Saturday and Sunday. Saturday went okay but I had planned on a very relaxed day at home. My friend came over to visit for a few hours and everything was fine. We even celebrated Max's birthday that night. I had made plans for Sunday--who I was going to sit by at church(since it was just me and the three boys) and Jase and I were going to go home after Sacrament meeting and have a friend bring the other two boys home after Sunday School classes. However...Saturday night/early Sunday morning was a bit tiring. And then Sunday daytime was full of feeding Jase, pumping, feeding the boys, feeding Jase, feeding the boys seconds, back and forth. The boys didn't get dressed until Tony came home from work and I never showered or completely put myself together. That's so not how I roll so that was very humbling. I did finally get a nap after Tony got home. After one crazy day (with more to come), Tony and I did figure out a few things we could do prep-wise to make the mornings smoother. He's going to put out cereal for the boys before he leaves for school with a measuring cup full of milk. I just didn't trust Ryan with a gallon of milk. This morning went better but I don't expect things to be easy. I'm multi-tasking as I write this. There are no complaints in this blog post, just a real history of life Chez Epperson with a newborn.


  1. I wish I were closer so I could help out! My boys would love playing with your 2 oldest. Andrew loves legos too!

    Good luck with the transition to 3!

  2. It gets easier Debbie!! You can do it!! Just give it six months!

  3. Sarah, I wish you lived closer too!

    Beth, 6 months? I was hoping after a week! ; )
