Monday, October 4, 2010

The How

(of how we became property managers)--for Sarah (and posterity ; )

When we found out we needed to move, we started looking at areas closer to the airport to cut out Tony's commute. With him going to school and work, it's hard to see him as it is. Tony's father knew of someone that was moving out of a property management situation and so we looked into it, applied and got accepted. We have been pleased to find that the duties are fairly straight forward (collecting rent and managing accounts is pretty straight forward). We don't do any maintenance or lawn care (except to the home we live in). The community has high standards for the appearance of the community and has regular walk-throughs to make sure everyone complies, however, that is not our responsibility. It falls on the shoulders of members of the "board". We do attend a once a month meeting to meet with the "board" to represent the people who are leasing their land from our company. I did have to deliver two "5-Day" notices to people who were behind on rent and got an angry knock on our door Sunday morning when one tenant found their notice, but that situation was easily diffused and the fault of the tenant. We're really enjoying the benefits of this situation. Good times!

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