Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Another Reason Why I Love Being a Mom

One of the things that you just have to get used to as a mom is that things take a lot longer (getting ready to go somewhere, grocery shopping and VACUUMING). The funny thing is neither of my boys is super excited about the vacuum but they react so differently. Max just covers his ears when I'm too close and just keeps on keeping on. Ryan toddles around after me, pretty much getting in my way and toddles closer and closer but then toddles away quickly when he gets "too" close. It's like a comedy routine where he falls down a few times because I've bumped him or he's tripped over his tiny feet.
Just check out his fascination.
From October 2010

So vacuuming takes 20 times longer, but it makes me smile every time. How many people can say that? Check out Ryan's tigger band-aid. He's my little bruiser.

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