Thursday, July 30, 2009

Big Boy Bed Saga

From July.2009.3

Things have been pretty good with the transition. We had to lay down with him the first few days or so and he definitely wasn't taking naps. Then he started getting better about going to bed but then would wake up and come into our room in the morning. This would be fine except for he usually came in whining or crying and hard to appease. He always wants milk and we can't give him THAT much milk! A few times he crashed on the floor...
From July.2009.3

The couch:
From July.2009.3

The hard part was his behavior. He was acting like a kid who used to get 2-3 hour naps and wasn't. So, Kate gave me the insight to try giving him naps on time again (instead of seeing if he would crash) and for the past 2 days he has done it! Yeah!


  1. Love the one of him on the boppy.
    Why is it they always gravitate to the floor?
    Thom couldn't open the door all the way b/c Andrew was asleep on the floor.

  2. oh goodness ... that is exciting that he is in the big boy bed. The initial things parents have to go through to help their kids grow isn't the easiest things though ... so my heart goes out to you. You sound like you are handling it better than I have with my kids, so kudos to you!! :D
