Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Love Letter to My Kids

I just feel the need to write a love letters to my babies.  I have a few love letters to write today.  It's a very important day because it's the day our family began.  So even though there are still some December events to write about for our family history, I'm jumping around a little bit.  Today I feel an extraordinary amount of gratitude for you, my babies.  

I can never get enough of your hugs and kisses.  Today, Ryan saw my list of 2015 goals and told me he was going to have the goal of giving me a hug and kiss everyday and he would start right now.  :)  Max, you are such a good kid.  Good isn't even the right word.  You are an amazing kid.  You love to learn and do what is right.  You are so important to this family.  Your brothers and sisters look up to you and you love to be around them.

Ryan, you have such a sweet, sensitive spirit.  While I hope to teach you how to channel those emotions sometimes, I know that your heart is pure.  You care about people. I love that you still love to snuggle and you are so quick to tell us that you love us.  You really make people feel special with how you like to spend quality time with them.  You really love people and want to be with them. 

Jase, you have the funnest, happiest personality.  You like to fist bump people and give them, "power".  I must get a video of this.  You came up with completely on your own and it is the funnest little thing to see.  You also like to tell everybody,"Happy Tuesday", with such exuberence, even when it's not Tuesday.  You crack me up.  Even at such a young age, you are really teachable.  You actually listen when mommy asks you not to do something.  You say, "okay mommy."  I am amazed at what an obedient 2 year old you are most of the time.  You are also fun, love to jump and laugh.   

Evelyn, your smile and laugh make me so happy.  You have this small little body and you just zoom around the house to keep up with your brothers.  when I watch you and Jase together, I am the happiest mom.  You guys have so much fun together.  You give hugs to each other and kiss each other.  A memory that I don't want to ever forget is diaper changing time.  If I'm changing Jase, you like to come and sit on my lap.  It makes it hard to change Jason's diaper, but it's so funny.  And usually, once the diaper and clothes are on, we have a snuggle, hug, tickle fest.,  I get to have the two cutest babies on my lap, clambering to give me hugs and kisses.  This morning I just hugged the two of you to my chest and said a silent prayer to my Heavenly Father because I feel so blessed to be a mom to you two babies.  I am so happy to have you.  I am so happy to have all four of my babies and I hope you always know how much I love you.

Here are a few videos from this week.  Jase and Ev love playing musical instruments.  

This next video was right after Jase and Ev had woken up early from a nap.  They had to have their diapers changed but they were still kind of groggy because they hadn't slept long enough.  Jase loves his little leap frog.  I didn't catch it on video but when it asked for a hug, he gave it one.  :)

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