Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Butterfly Kisses

Today was a beautiful sunny day, not even the smallest cluster of snow remained.  My friend watched my littlest so Tony and I could go on a house-hunting date.  Then afterwards, Tony went to work and I chatted with the friend for a little while.  Then I saw another friend and the kids played for a minute.  Then I drove by another possible house and had to remind myself yet again that Heavenly Father knows what is best for us and if we are meant to find a house, he will make that happen.  Purchasing a house is a huge commitment and it's scary and I live where the housing is expensive.  This makes it hard, but hopefully, it will happen.  

Tonight, after I put the boys to bed, I had to record the way we say goodnight.  First we do "butterfly kisses", brushing our eyelashes together.  Then we do "nose kisses" and then a real kiss.  I love my babies and this part of the night is the sweetest part.

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