Sunday, February 2, 2014

About Being Overwhelmed

Last week at church I had a very overwhelming day.  This was unfortunate because it was the same day that I heard twice that being overwhelmed is not a feeling that comes from the Lord.  He doesn't want us to feel overwhelmed about doing His work.  I have been feeling overwhelmed this past month because there's been a lot going on.  We've been adjusting to a new schedule, combining somewhat with another congregation.  It's been a lot of little things like changing around room assignments to fit the needs of the primary, adjusting to a lack of set up time, etc., etc.  I've been feeling really frustrated and inadequate and probably some other feelings that don't come from the Lord either.  I've been praying and praying for the children, for the situations to resolve, to feel some peace.  Last week when we were talking to some stake primary leaders about fostering reverence in the primary with so many young kids, one thing in particular stuck out to me.  We have to feel reverent ourselves--the kids can pick up on us feeling anxious or stressed.  Now normally, I don't feel this way in primary, but this month has been a doozy for the reasons I've mentioned and ones I haven't so I haven't felt relaxed.  Also, I've been able to work on some small things this week so I can feel a bit more organized with the small details so they're done and out of the way on Sunday.  I love the children so much and I want them to feel loved and important and learn the gospel.  Today, coming to church, I felt that peace that I haven't felt in four weeks at church.  I felt calmer and happier.  Every testimony that was shared in Sacrament meeting was a message that I needed to hear.  I shared my testimony as well.  I believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is for all of us, that we are imperfect but as we come to church and serve each other and share our testimonies, we can learn the lessons we need to learn, we can understand the gospel and we can feel the love that our Savior has for us.  The testimonies that were shared today were answers to the prayers that I have been praying this month.  Prayers are answered in so many ways, but I am grateful that I have a loving Father in Heaven who takes the time to answer my prayers.  He cares about each of His children.  I feel so happy to be serving in primary and to be learning the lessons that I am.  I wouldn't change things, not even the learning experiences, not at all. 

John 14:27

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