Tuesday, July 31, 2012


For some reason I feel like blogging about something personal. I have other posts to write about all of the awesome family we've had in town but since I have to upload pictures first, I'll blog about what's been on my mind today and since before Jason was born.

Before Max was born, I was given several books to read about labor, birth, breastfeeding, raising kids, etc. The two books about breast feeding were, "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" compiled by La Leche League and "So That's What They're For" (hilarious) by Janet Tamaro. both books were helpful and I am a proponent of breastfeeding so I felt educated and informed before I gave birth to Max. Well parenthood is all about surprises and the unexpected and little did I know that I would have milk supply issues as in not enough and I'd have to supplement with formula. I have hypothyroidism so I had my thyroid levels checked, I took a medicine, I took herbs, I drank herbal teas, I tried supplemental nursing systems, I pumped. Feeding Max, weighing him and pumping him became my life. It finally settled into a little routine until I went back to work and he refused to breastfeed anymore. Well the bottle is much easier so that's all he wanted. I grieved not being able to give my baby his basic needs but I was grateful for a healthy baby and I pumped what little I could for the first 8 months and supplemented the rest. I thought maybe it would be different with Ryan but it wasn't. I hoped it would be different with Jason and it has been (a bit). I had some hormone levels checked and found out I was anemic and Vit D deficient. So I have been taking supplements. I read this great book called, "Making More Milk" . When Jason was in the NICU, the one benefit was I had around the clock help from nurses or lactation consultants. I tried the supplemental nursing system and nipple shields. They also had me use Dr. Brown's bottles which have a slow release. All of these things have helped Jason nurse at the breast and take the bottle. I've overcome a few nursing hurdles along the way and was feeling more confident in nursing. Then Jase started being reluctant to nurse on one side but was still great on the other side. I continued to pump. Now he's starting to refuse both sides. I'm going to keep trying a little longer, but it's hard because I would love so much to give my baby something that is so natural and creates a beautiful bond between mother and child. "Making More Milk" talks about some of the feelings that mothers with breastfeeding issues go through and every feeling they describe is something I've felt before. It also gives a website called,
Mothers Overcoming Breastfeeding Issues (Mobi Motherhood).

Whether or not we're completely at the stage of just pumping and bottle feeding or whether Jase will nurse a little longer, I don't know. But I'm grateful for 7 1/2 weeks of nursing. I know that I've done everything I can and will continue to try unless he completely refuses. I've said many prayers during the different breastfeeding hurdles. I'm grateful for the help I've had in overcoming a few of the hurdles, for the blessing of being able to nurse my baby and that he's healthy.

I know this isn't a blog for the masses, but if any of my friends and family know anyone with breastfeeding issues, these books and the website are great resources.


  1. You are one of the most considerate and involved mothers I know. I can see why this is a struggle for you, but remember that they are all healthy and happy: because of you!

  2. Thanks for posting this. My sister is expecting #3 next month but hasn't been able to nurse her other 2 for different reasons. I will pass this info along.
