Monday, July 23, 2012

A Few Random Pics

I haven't been good at taking pics. I feel like I have a really good reason, but I do want the boys to be able to look back at their lives and see what they were up to. Here are a few pics when I remembered to pull the camera out.
The boys love to help water the plants and I love it when they help (even though my lavender don't need water). Max actually waters our garden by himself. There's only 9 plants but he does it.
From July 2012

And they love to pick blueberries.
From July 2012

Playing with friends in a sprinkler. They've also slip and slided several times. Ryan likes to drive cars across the slip and slide and call it a car wash.
From July 2012

Making mommy laugh while she nurses Jase.
From July 2012

We also went to the Arlington Fly-In. Tony got tickets through school and got to go on a school day in lieu of his classroom. He had to complete an assignment while he was there but it was fun all the same.

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