Sunday, March 13, 2011

Heated Hospital Gowns are Cool

Tony had reconstructive ankle surgery this past Friday. He changed into his gown and there was this flap that had an opening under it. It kind of looked like a vacuum bag hole. When the nurse came in, she attached a hose from the wall into the hole in the gown so that the gown had warm air flowing through it. How cool is that? Tony has chronic pain from the ankle that was broken during his plane crash, so this surgery will hopefully give him more movement and help him be more comfortable. The doctor removed 5 (but not all) of his screws, cut his calf tendon to allow for more up and down movement and also moved his heel over so that it would be directly under his ankle. Well, he had intended to move it 10mm but only moved it 5 mm because the heel was so damaged and there was scar tissue, etc. In the waiting room there was a screen that listed patient numbers and their doctors so I could see when he was in the operating room, when they were closing, when the incision was closed and then when he was in recovery. That was nice. Since he was nauseous and couldn't keep pain meds down orally, he was admitted and stayed overnight. The next morning he was doing great and a PT showed him the kneeling carts that he will be getting soon.
Tony wanted to save the screws that were in his ankle (oh, a few more were put in this time too) so here they are.
From March 2011

And here is a recovering Tony
From March 2011

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