Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Day of School

After moving to Renton, I was able to find several moms who wanted to do a co-op preschool. There were 6 moms in total so we decided to do 2 separate groups. Max is a part of the older kids co-op so he and two little friends will have school every Wednesday. Each mom will teach for a month at a time in her home and then have two months off. This is perfect for us and I'm totally excited. We got together and picked our monthly themes and the basic daily outline. Yesterday was an introduction to school. Here's a summary from my friend who is teaching the first round:
1st circle time we did the church "Hello Song", Absent & Present chart, ABC song & did Letter Bag C.
2nd circle we talked about learning at home, church, and school
I explained the rules: Helping hands, kind words, and listening ears (I might change them to just circle time rules)
I read aloud "Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus"
We painted a yellow bus
We made ABC block towers together, ABC hopscotch, and take turns picking a letter sticker.
Max had a blast.
Here he is holding a little poster to show all of his favorite things.
From September 2010

He has officially entered the cheesy smile phase. Here he is at joy school.
From September 2010

And with one of his new friends
From September 2010

1 comment:

  1. Sounds perfect! How fun!

    That cheesey smile is adorable. :)
