Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Birthday Fun!

The Epperson birthday marathon has begun.  Tony starts off the year in February but then we have a few months off until May.  In May we have mine and Ryan's birthday, then in June we have Jase and Max's birthdays.  So fun!

I love birthdays.  I know I'm supposed to despise them but they're a great chance to reflect on blessings and all the fun and learning experiences I've had. 

We celebrated simply and wonderfully on Saturday with a family day.  Max had a baseball game.  He got to be one of the "pitchers" or kids who stands next to the coach who pitches (coach can't field the ball).  He also had his wish come true when he got to play catcher!

Then we headed off to the Seattle Aquarium.  The kids have been wanting to go here forever and I love the ocean and sea life so it was perfect.  We got to enjoy a beautiful sunny day on the Seattle waterfront and learn about animals.

Then we headed over to the Fremont troll.  The kids haven't seen it and I haven't been in years.  Almost every time we go over a bridge we quote the Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Then after our first dinner choice didn't work out, we decided on Red Robin.  Tony and I got to laugh about how the last time I had Red Robin for my birthday dinner was 10 years ago.  My roommates organized a birthday dinner for me and Tony was one of the people who came (and one of the ones I really wanted to come ; ).  It was just about a week later that we started dating! *Happy sigh*

Sunday was my actual birthday and it was great!  The primary kids sang (seriously, how can you not smile when a bunch of cute kids sing to you?)  Then Tony cooked dinner.  Ben and Kara came over and we went to see "From Cumorah's Hill" which was put on by the church youth.  This performance was very special to me because years and years ago, seeing this performance helped me feel the Holy Ghost witness to me that the Book of Mormon was true scripture.  I stood up in fast and testimony meeting and shared my testimony about the Book of Mormon and how I came to knew it to be another witness of Jesus Christ.  One of the youth performing in From Cumorah's Hill was going to be singing a solo--that part that had touched me years ago and he dedicated his performance to me.  This is a random performance I found on youtube.  It's not the one I first saw nor the one I just saw.  I wish I could share one of those, but this will have to do.  

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