Thursday, January 26, 2012

Good Mom vs. Bad Mom

All moms go through times where they feel like good moms or bad moms. It's either the day or the time of day or whatever. I've been so exhausted lately from this pregnancy. Yesterday was really bad because I had this killer headache all afternoon/evening that made me feel really miserable and I fell asleep on the couch as Max watched shows and Ryan climbed on me. So that was bad mom day.

Today was much better. We had a play group at the church, went to Petsmart to look at the animals and to Target to get a bit of shopping done. Then we went for an adventure walk this afternoon (I was assessing the felled trees in our community to show the tree guy who will be coming out). Tonight Max worked on a new lego set and Ryan and I did puppets and strung wooden beads. It's nice to have good days like this because I' sooo glad to be feeling better and it helps ease the guilty feelings that were creeping in from yesterday.
Arent' they cute?
From January 2012

Oh, and Max is REALLY good with legos. He just follows the instructions and puts them together all by himself. I'm having a hard time not going out and buying him more lego sets just to help him with this talent. He loves legos so much.

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