Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Max's 17th Birthday!


Max wanted to celebrate his 16th birthday by having a trip down memory lane like we did with Evelyn.  After breakfast and hanging out, Tony came home and we drove to Seward Park where I used to take the kids.  This park has a zipline, and a bike trail.  It's a little peninsula that sticks out into Lake Washington.  

Then we drove to Tiffany Park Elementary School.  The kids ran around the field where they used to do the Walk-a-Thon.  Then they raced and had fun on the new playground.

Then we went to Phillip Arnold Park which was my absolutely favorite park.  We've had bday parties there and lots of hang outs.  Well, since we've moved, Phllip Arnold has been completely renovated.  The great climbing trees that the kids used to climb have either been cut down or they've been pruned so that the lowest branches were high above our heads. So no more climbing trees.  The whole park was reconfigured too.  The playground is much bigger.  There was enough reconfiguration of the landscape that there is now a cool view of Seattle.  

Then we went to the Cedarview Park where we've spent hours exploring, playing Pooh Sticks on the brdige and riding bikes.

Then Max really wanted to go to the park where he used to play T-Ball.  There's a very steep hillside (side of the Renton Highlands) that he has always wanted to climb.  So they climbed the hillside so he could say he'd done what little Max had wanted to do.

Then we had Ezell's Chicken and cake and presents.  It was fun to celebrate our 17 year old!

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