Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Captain Hook Moves

Captain Hook is a good cat.  When we got him and Tiger Lily we thought it would be good to get siblings so they could always have each other.  Well, they haven't seemed to care about each other.  We love Hook.  He is a good snuggler, but when Aunt Stacey bought her own house, we felt like Hook might be happier and comfortable being an only cat and getting all of the attention from Uncle Doug and Aunt Stacey.  And we're right.  He's been doing his business in the litter box at their place which he wouldn't do for us no matter what type of litter we tried.  We are glad to have given him love and glad that he will have so much love now that he won't have to share with two other pets.  And truth be told, he was kind of a messy cat so things feel cleaner and more comfortable for us too.  I never ever thought I would place a "harder than normal" pet with someone else  Once you're in our family, you're family.  I was an adoption social worker so my heart was sad at the thought of rehoming him and it's only because it's better for everyone including Hook, that we did it.  After Stacey and Doug said they wanted Hook, it took some convincing of the kids but they are glad they will still see him and they agree that it's best for everyone.


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