Friday, March 28, 2014

Baby Zach

Ev and I were able to visit with Ben, Kara and Baby Z again.  This time I remembered to take pics.  After we laid them down together, Evelyn reached out and Z became the recipient of her first sucker punch.  Luckily it didn't have much oomph.  Then the two babes linked arms.  It was really cute.  The picture quality is awful but it's still sweet.

baby cousin love


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Daybook 3-22-14

Outside My Window...
The new cedar fence is up and I have a gate across our driveway!  Now Jason can play safely outside!  Happy dance!.

I am Thankful...
for a sweet husband who knew I was hungry and tired after church and he made me a sandwich and a drink and brought them to me while I did a few things that I wanted to get done before I forgot.

I am Thinking About...
a new friend.  Her family is learning about the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Being with her as she learns fills me with joy.
Notes About School...
Max brought home an awesome report card and Ryan did well on his DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills).  Both teachers are pleased with how they're doing socially as well.  This makes this mama happy.

From the Kitchen...
Tried Lemon Cream Cheese Bars for our Family Home Evening treat tonight.  They were just okay.

I am Creating...
finished baby books for my kiddos!  Thankfully I have this blog to use as a reference.

I am Working On...
work duties are not my favorite right now.  There is an eviction in process.  Another one has been stayed, but I don't like having to be a part of this process. 
I am Reading...
The Christmas Jars Reunion.  . 

I am Praying...
for the primary and nursery children and their families, the primary teachers and their families (always). 

I am Struggling...
with having enough time in the day.  This is a constant struggle of course. 
I am Hearing...
just the tap tap tap of my keyboard.
Around the House...
I need to straighten a bit before bed and then snuggle with my favorite person.

One of my Favorite Things...
Kisses.  I love the sloppy ones from the babies and the sweet ones from my older boys.  And I have to list another favorite.  Volunteering at my son's schools.  I was a popcorn mom this past Friday at Max's school and I love it.  I love seeing him and I love seeing some of the primary kids at school.

A Few Plans for the Next Week...
Enjoy the sunshine, play with my kids, run after Jason at his brothers' soccer and Tae Kwon Do practices, try to get through my to-do lists.

Flight Museum and Another Cute Baby

We visited the flight museum in Everett and saw our cousins' beautiful new baby.  I was too busy oogling the precious baby so I forgot to take pics, darn it.  The only pics are from the flight museum.
P-51 Mustang

B-25 Mitchell
 Tony talking to his kindred spirits.

Baby Bug!

I was feeling the need to take some pictures of Evelyn.  She's growing so fast.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

There were several acts of mischief at our house, created by some crazy leprechaun.  Here's one of them: 
And the cute kids in their green.  Evelyn was asleep during this shot. 
And she is not a fan of the camera with a bright light on it. ; )


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tae Kwon Do

Max is taking Tae Kwon Do and he really likes it.

Since it's lighter in the evening, we get to play afterwards!  We also get to notice more and more blossoms and flowers popping up.  So fun!

Max's Science Fair--First Grade

Max wanted to enter the science fair and learn about electricity.  Tony helped him make a few simple motors.  We decided to simplify his project by just using one of them and showing how current electricity works with an electrical circuit.  He learned a lot.  Of course when it came time to make the motor he was excited.  When it came time to make the board, he was not as excited, but he helped type some of it and he dictated what everything said.  I know he learned from this, I only hope that he had confidence in himself when he talked to the judges.  From the judge's comments, she was really pleased with it.  Max loved running the motor.
Here he is at the science fair.
Here he is with his first-grade teacher, Ms. Harrel. 

Me and my boy.

The Bear in the Cave

I don't know much about this except he was wanting to be a bear in a cave.  It can't be comfortable. ; )
I don't think bears sleep with a mattress on top of them.

Going Against the Wind

Our family has been having weekly bike rides when the weather has allowed.  When Tony had to work on his car, I took the kids out myself.  We got about 1/2 a mile out on the trail when we felt a few rain drops.  We turned around and luckily the rain didn't really come, but the wind came.  Sometimes in life, you get to have really fun teaching moments.  I knew Ryan would have a hard time riding his bike when the conditions weren't ideal so I pre-empted any complaining with a game. 
"Ryan, let's show the wind how strong we are.  It's pushing against us, but we are stronger than the wind.  Take that, wind.  Take that."
Ryan didn't even complain.  He laughed as we pushed against the wind.  "Take that wind.  Take that".  He said.  "I'm stronger than you.  I can do anything." 
So we pushed against the strong wind and caught up to Max so he could join in our crusade to be stronger than the wind.  Little moments like this make me happy to be a parent and I'm hopeful that my kids will always believe that they're stronger than they'll ever know.                       
Here are some pics from last week's ride with Tony along.

We stopped to see the eagle's next.  The picture doesn't show it very well.  We got to see an eagle fly out and right above us.  It was amazing.  Gotta love where you live.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Grandma Visit!

It's a good thing that Healthport needed help in Kirkland because that means we got a visit from Grandma.  It's some work and not all play but the boys love waking up to Grandma and having her there for a bit at night.  And we got to spend all of Sunday with her.

One night, we danced!

                                              Here are the boys at story time. 
 We went and saw the Lego Movie which was great. 
After the Lego movie, Ryan said, "I hope I have a nightmare tonight."
We asked him why.  He said, "Because then I get to go in and sleep with Grandma". 
So Sweet!  Backstory:  Max had come into our room and we had Evelyn in the bed and there just wasn't any more space so Grandma said that her bed was available if the boys wake up.  Now we have the boys hoping they have nightmares.  Haha!

Best Spelling Test Ever

This is Max's spelling test for February 28th.  I love it.


Evelyn is 6 Months!

We just love this girl.  Evelyn saw Dr. Balser and she is growing so well!  She is 25.5 inches long (50th percentile).  She is 13 lbs. (25th percentile) and her head circumference is 17 inches (75th percentile).  She can sit up (but not stay up).  She rolls.  She is a happy, happy baby.  She and Jason are already buddies.  There are so many times that she and Jason interact that I just wish I had a video camera rolling all of the time.  He makes her laugh, he hugs her and kisses her.  It's darling and just melts my heart.  Her older brother love her and make her laugh too! :)

To: Dad, From: Your Kids

Calvin and Hobbes + Star Wars = Coolest shirt for dad
Happy Birthday!