Sunday, June 9, 2024

San Juan Islands Trip Part 3

Ev got sick in the middle of the night so I planned to stay home with her while the boys did out scheduled whale watching tour.  It was pretty cool to have Max tell me that he would stay home with Evelyn so I could go.  He knew I was excited to go.  I thanked him but since I've been before, I wanted them to have the chance.  Plus Evelyn was feeling pretty bad and she wasn't even in her own home.  A lot of parents don't have kids that see their parents as human beings.  They are parents only.  I know I was that way.  I'm really grateful that my kids care about Tony and I as human beings as well as their parents.  

They had a great time on the tour.  A pod of resident orcas had just eaten a stellar sea lion and were super active.  The pictures don't show it as well of course, but they were lucky to see such active orcas.

A Black Fox!

Sunset on the west side of the island!


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