Sunday, July 15, 2018

Family Bikepacking Trip!

Our kids were excited to go bike packing with cousins.  I was nervous, but ready to conquer my fear.  I had just gotten my new bike so I hadn't had a chance to train on it much, but this was about family times and memories and so we planned, packed up and went!

We had several stops for bathroom breaks and leg stretching breaks.  Most of the time we were on bike trails which was nice.  Seth did a great job of planning this route.

We had the incentive to get to Jasper and we would have an ice cream break.
Seth and Tony had their obligatory corn dog which they later regretted.

There was a stretch of highway where we were on a bike lane on the shoulder of a country highway and this is where I was anxious.  I had to count in French to distract myself.  It was awesome when the shoulder widened and then were on the last stretch.

27 miles later we made it to the cabin and set up our tents.  We were proud of ourselves for this accomplishment.  

Beautiful view of Dexter Reservoir

The lawn hadn't been mowed so Seth used a scythe to clear a path for the tents.  The next day the men tried to get the riding mower working with no success, just a lot of smoke.

The kids spent the day on the water.

Evelyn playing with the dollhouse that Lauren played with as a kid.

We had so much fun exploring and singing around the campfire!